An exhibition curated by Carlos Motta & Oliver Ressler
< rotor >, Graz, 2012
Coproduction steirischer herbst
The idea of an absolute democracy entails a thorough rethinking of the linear, fixed and orthodox production of historical knowledge and narratives. It is an idea that suggests the need for the redistribution of wealth and power and the need for new systems of rule. Additionally, it denounces the effects of capitalism and in that way challenges normative understandings of class, race, gender and sexuality. The notion of an “absolute democracy” was initially used by philosopher Baruch Spinoza and was reactivated by Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt, in an attempt to envision “a republic based on the broadest possible cooperation between citizens, and on the development of common goods. These are the terms in which we can really talk about freedom for all.”(1)

The exhibition “Absolute Democracy” presents the work by artists who critically investigate or problematize “democracy,” as a concept whose social, political and economic implications play an important role in the formation of individual and collective subjectivity. Some of the artists in the exhibition propose alternative readings of repressed histories while others denounce traditional structures of discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, political orientation, etc. Some of the works in the exhibition could be thoughts of as activist, while others use artistic language in order to reflect on these issues.
(1) Antonio Negri & Michael Hardt, Social Struggles in Italy, 2002

Participating artists:
Julieta Aranda & Anton Vidokle, Petra Bauer, Lenin Brea & Nuria Vila, Miklós Erhardt & Claudio Feliziani, Isabelle Fremeaux & John Jordan, Mariam Ghani, Carles Guerra, Nicoline van Harskamp, Jim Hubbard, Vladan Jeremic & Rena Rädle, Alejandro Landes, Nikolay Oleynikov, Fernando Solanas, Ultra-red

Artists & curators of the exhibition “Absolute Democracy” were also involved in the 24/7 marathon camp of steirischer herbst festival on September 26, 2012, 8pm – midnight:
Session 1: Forms of Democracy: Activism, Art and Cultural Production
Hosted by Carlos Motta
With Mariam Ghani, Jennifer González, Miguel López, Nikolay Oleynikov / Chto Delat, Manuela Bojadzijev & Dont Rhine & Janna Graham / Ultra-red
Session 2: Thinking Politics Freed From the State
Hosted by Oliver Ressler
With Nicoline van Harskamp, Isabelle Fremeaux & John Jordan, Sofía Olascoaga, Marco Scotini
For further information see: